As business expands to include new technology, innovative ideas, and more entrepreneurs than ever before, companies are finding creative new ways to motivate employees. Startups that prioritize employee happiness are more successful and retain personnel at a higher rate. Read on to learn how some up-and-coming startups think outside of the box when it comes to employee motivation.
Outside the Box Thinking to Motivate Employees
Double Encore
Double Encore, an app company and mobile developer, includes a game room in their work environment. Not only does a game room give employees a little break from the day-to-day tasks, but it brings people together in one meeting spot. This helps build community in the workplace. CTO Jay Graves states, “I like these types of things because they bring people together who might not normally interact on a day-to-day basis. People play games like foosball, darts, and video games in pairs, teams, or groups. Spending time together, both while working and ‘off the clock,’ are key to [creating] a company’s culture – especially one that depends largely on collaborative efforts.” Collaboration and creativity flow best when you mix in with a little fun.
Practice Fusion
Another great example is Practice Fusion, a free web-based medical records website. Naturally, a health and medical company believes in physical fitness and nutrition. Many of the perks at other startups include food, but Practice Fusion gives each employee a FitBit to track their fitness and health progress. They also offer motivational games and challenges between teams of employees. These help everyone stay fit and active. Although these ideas may cost a little bit to implement, they engage employees in the company’s mission. And, they help keep employees healthy and happy as well.
Another trend among startup companies is flexibility within the workday and environment. Airbnb is an international web-based house “renting” company. They take their passion for travel and culture to a whole new level with their employee perks. Not only do they provide lunch and breakfast for employees, they also offer games, outings, and yoga classes. Airbnb makes their employees feel relaxed and comfortable, which motivates them to do their best work. What is more, they encourage employees to take vacations by offering a $2,000-per-year travel stipend. If employees take time off, they are more likely to rest and feel refreshed. They’ll be ready to work hard when they return.
Flexibility is key for employee motivation, especially for the Millenial generation. Non-traditional work weeks and paid sabbaticals also appear to be on the rise. Capterra, an online business software company, gives each employee a five-week, fully paid sabbatical every five years. This incentive improves retention, rewards employees for their hard work, and encourages them to reap the benefits of that extended time off. The CEO points out that the cost to the company is “10% of their work in the year that they take their sabbatical but only 2% over the course of their five-year employment.” In his mind, the cost is worth the benefit for employee health and long term company growth.
Appreciate & Encourage Your Employees!
With each new startup comes new, innovative ways to motivate employees. But, the trends all point to the same thing. If employees feel appreciated, and encouraged to take care of their bodies and minds, the business benefits from increased productivity and a positive workplace.
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