Regardless of the position you hold at your company, you’re a busy person. Emails and phone calls come in daily about countless different topics, and it may be difficult to keep track of everything. Even going back and forth with someone or a team trying to coordinate schedules for a meeting can drain your energy. But what if there was a program that allowed you to send out one email to set up a time to meet that works for everyone? That’s the aim for Calendly, a handy calendar app. When you make the most of Calendly, it can save you hours of unnecessary phone calls and emails each week. Here at Viral Wolf, we find it indispensable!
Set Up Your Account
Go to Calendly’s website and set up your account. Then, set your time zone and availability. You might keep your whole work day open or choose to devote certain windows of time within your week as meeting times. Set the types of meetings you can offer people–such as video, phone call or in-person. Finally, set the default length of time for a meeting. You will have even more options with the paid versions of Calendly.
Make the Most of Calendly
Calendly offers a ton features. You can customize it depending on the pricing tier you choose. Even if you stick to the free version, the trick to using it successfully is to understand which ones work best for you and then master them! Here are some of the features we like most.
Sync it to Your Other Calendars and Set Reminders
Calendly syncs with Google and other online calendars to make sure you never double-book a meeting time. It automatically detects your time zone to eliminate confusion.
Set Meeting Time Limits and Buffers in Between
Calendly allows you to set how long each meeting will be. Calendly meetings can be scheduled for 15, 30, or 60 minutes. Setting a clear end-time lets everyone plan their day better. What’s more, if you need time built in between one meeting and the next to regroup and prepare, you can build that in. Set a buffer between meetings and appointments, or even plan a little extra time in case a meeting runs long.
Use Calendly According to Your Peak Productivity
Do you know there’s a day of the week that’s not good to meet with clients? Is there a certain time of day that you know is when you work best? Customize available meeting slots to when you’re working at your peak. Make your meetings as productive as possible.
Limit the Number of Meetings Each Day
We’re all subject to burnout. So limit the number of meetings you have each day. Keep your energy up and reserve time for all of your other work. If you have a relatively light workload one day, you can schedule more meetings. Just be sure to not overwhelm yourself and give yourself plenty of buffer time between the meetings.
Use Calendly to Prepare for Meetings
You will maximize your time in meetings by preparing. Calendly offers an option for your clients that will let them give you a quick synopsis of what the meeting is about. That way, you go in ready to answer their questions, ensuring a smooth meeting.
So, say goodbye to unneeded emails and phone calls and make the most of Calendly. You could save hours during your work week to focus on projects that need your attention. Have you tried Calendly? Tell us in the comments what you think of it!
IMAGE: Pixabay / CC0 Public Domain