Exciting News for Companies
In a blog post last month, Ryan Rolansky opened the LinkedIn publishing platform to all members. Prior to this development, only LinkedIn “Influencers” could publish content on their site. However, all members are now able to publish and connect with members outside of their own personal networks. The open platform brings new benefits for companies. Now any user can become an influencer and reach an entirely new audience.
How Publishing Can Build Your Brand
LinkedIn currently has more than 277 million members worldwide, with only 500 of them “Influencers.” Now, each of these traditional members has the ability to create and publish content visible to the rest of the LinkedIn community. Each member can access content, network with individuals interested in similar fields, and connect to thousands. This results in a better brand for themselves individually or as part of a company.
Connection to industry professionals and trusted brands within the market can boost a smaller business’ brand. Basically, a business publishes content. Others then endorse and share it to their own networks. Recognition within your industry can be priceless. You stand to reach thousands, maybe millions of viewers, who can in turn distribute the content to even more.
Potential to Reach New Markets
The new publishing platform can do more than help build a strong brand. It offers a fantastic way to use inbound marketing techniques to gain new customers. Social media has been proven to boost sales and reach thousands of potential clients. You’re now linked to a giant audience. Use it to your advantage!
Individuals who are specifically seeking knowledge about your industry can see your content. Smaller voices stand to be heard and recognized within a larger community with limitless potential for larger connections.
Go Forth and Publish
LinkedIn believes that every professional has information that others can learn from. They dedicated their business model to the idea that time spent on LinkedIn builds the user’s knowledge and network. Now, through the open publishing platform, the content creation and possibilities reach higher heights. The small pool of approved “Influencers” just became an ocean!
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